Saturday, September 8, 2012

My Short Short Camp 1 Story for the Day

"Hey Melina, come on, you're in our cabin over here."  That's Cinder.  We've been best friends forever.  We’re always together.  Our parents say we are practically twins because we were born only minutes apart.  We've lived next door to each other our whole lives.  About a week before school let out for the summer, Cinder told me she was moving away.  Her dad got a great job hundreds of miles away.  It didn't matter too much at the time, because we knew we’d be together at camp the whole summer.  Endless days of fun and sun. 

 "Okay, okay I'm coming."  Cinder has one of those cool names that everyone wishes they had but are kind of glad they don't.  Unless you are cool then people would tease you about it.  But not Cinder. She is one of those lucky kids who is popular and has a cool name.  As for me, I'm not really popular but I'm not unpopular.  I hang out with the cool crowd but they aren't really my friends.  I'm basically cool by association.  Since Cinder is cool, then I’m accepted as cool.  Which is good enough for me. 

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