Tuesday, September 24, 2013

My Short Short for the Day

The ground began to shake and rumble. The noise was deafening and the air was filled with static. What was happening. Madi thought as she looked up at her mother. What she saw on her mother's face frightened her even more. She'd never seen her mother terrified before. She'd always been so calm and confident. But now...

“Mother, come on. We must go.” Madi yelled tugging her mother's hand.

Her mother stood there paralyzed and that only heightened Madi's fear. She had to help, though. No time to think. Madi yanked her mother's hand dragging her away from the rumblings. Her mother followed obediently so Madi broke into a run. They raced across the shaky ground, jumping over cracks that began to spread. Madi kept running, not knowing where to go, just knowing she had to keep moving.

The other villagers were running around in circles, screaming and crying.

“Come with us!” Madi yelled at everyone she passed but didn't dare look back.

She ran never loosening her grip on her mother's hand. They ran until they collapsed. It took several minutes for Madi to catch her breath. When she did, she waited to see if there were any rumblings. Nothing. They were safe now. At least long enough for a rest.

“Madi.” Her mother's voice was a small whisper. “Thank you. You saved us.”

Madi stepped into her mother's arms and they hugged tightly, letting the tears flow as the fear subsided.

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