Monday, October 7, 2013

My Short Short for the Day

“Do you want to help me with the artwork?” I asked.

“Yes!” Harley said with so much enthusiasm that she couldn't stay in her seat. She actually launched into the air and did a little dance over to the easel. She carefully selected several crayons and some paper, then returned to her table.

“Ok. Do you want to see what I've drawn so far?” I asked pulling out my sketches.

“Nope. I'm good.” She set her crayons down and focused in on the paper for the next several minutes. She sang aloud as her little fingers raced across the page.

I returned to my sketches moving at a much slower and more indecisive way. I set my pencil down and looked at the picture. Hmm? Not bad. I thought.

“Done.” Harley said sitting on the couch next to me and scooting up close. She set her picture on top of mine and smiled.

I examined it carefully and smiled. “I love it.”

Harley beamed and jumped off the couch. “Now I'm going to start on Squirrely.”

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