Wednesday, October 2, 2013

My Short Short for the Day

Danny stretched up onto his tiptoes to get a better look at the yummy cake. Maybe he could stretch far enough to get a fingerful of frosting. Just a little farther. Danny stretched out his little arm and wiggled his fingers, willing the cake to move just a bit closer.

“Danny, you're not in the kitchen are you?” Mother's voice drifted in from the hallway.

“Noooo!” Danny fussed. He sulked as he walked out of the kitchen. “When's the party?”

“Not for another couple hours.” Mother smiled as she ruffled his hair.

“Oh, man! I want some cake now.” Danny dragged himself down the hall to his bedroom.

“Mom? He didn't mess up my cake did he?” Cindy asked walking into the kitchen.

“No, he can't reach it.” Mother said. “The cake is safe.”

Cindy inspected the cake thoroughly. Finally satisfied, she turned back around to see Danny in the doorway.

“What do you want?” Cindy said hands on hips.

“Cake.” Danny replied putting his hands on his hips and leaning in a bit.

“Well, you don't get any until the party.” Cindy took a step forward bending over slightly to look directly down into Danny's eyes.

“Oh, yeah?” Danny started to waver a bit.

“Yeah.” Cindy took another step and stared Danny down.

Danny stared for a moment then pouted and looked away. “Rats!” He mumbled and stalked back to his room.

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