Tuesday, October 29, 2013

My Short Short for the Day

Suddenly the creature stopped. Sidney nearly ran into it but caught herself just short of making contact. She sucked in her breath and demanded her heart to stop thundering in her chest. The flashing lights stopped moving and dimmed to almost a pitch black. There was only silence surrounding them. Almost silence, there was a noise, faint and distant...or was it? It sounded like a scraping of something sharp along a rock. Sidney strained to hear better. A shiver raced up her spine as the hair on her arm stood on end. The sound had stopped and the darkness was complete. She couldn't see her own hand less than an inch from her face.

The sound started again but it was right behind her. She wanted to jump but fear froze her in place.

“Don't worry Mommy.” The creature whispered. “He's here now.”

The cold, icy fingers of the creature grasped Sidney's hand. It was all she could do not to yank it away. As they walked a light spread before them, leading them forward. Sidney looked around but it was a thick blanket of darkness around them. Only the narrow strip in front of them was lit. They walked for several minutes then the creature dropped Sidney's hand and collapsed to its knees. It lay on the ground like a rag doll, limp and lifeless and looking exactly like Ginny.

Sidney clasped her hands over her mouth. She wanted to scream, rage against who ever was doing this, but terrified to make a sound. Another sound and she looked up. She stared willing her eyes to focus in on the being sitting high up on a throne a few feet away. Slowly the image cleared and it was a skeleton. Not creepy at first but the longer she stared the more it morphed into something from a nightmare. This was a nightmare. It had to be. Why couldn't she wake up though. Sidney cried silently.

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