Wednesday, October 30, 2013

My Short Short for the Day

“Mommy? Where are you? I can't see you.” Ginny's voice came from the creature but the body didn't move.

“Ginny?” Sidney knelt beside the limp body cradling the head.

Ginny's eyes popped open and her mouth twisted into a smile. “Oh, there you are. Where are we?”

“It's ok Sweetie. I'm right here.” Sidney lifted her little body into her arms. “I'll get you out of here.”

Sidney turned away from the skeleton and began to run back the way they had come. It was pitch dark again. The light was behind her. She ran anyways, desperate to get home. She ran faster trying to outrun the tears threatening to spill from her eyes. She crashed into a wall and fell backwards. She had smashed her face against it but she was too numb to feel the pain yet. She picked up Ginny and inched forward slowly this time.

Then she heard the scraping sound again. It was behind her. Getting closer. She moved quicker. There was a small patch of light ahead. She moved faster toward it holding out a hand to give her a few seconds warning of anymore walls. Ginny didn't move or speak. She felt light, too light.

They got closer until finally the light surrounded them. Sidney stopped to look down at Ginny and screamed. The little girl's face was covered in blood. She wasn't breathing. The wall, she had gotten crushed when Sidney had run into the wall. “No!” She screamed.

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