Saturday, August 4, 2012

My Short Short Story for the Day

“So how did you get that scar?”  Ralph asked.

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”  Emma replied.
“No, go on.  Try me.”  Ralph laughed and settled into the comfy chair.

“Ok.  Well, I was out running in Topanga Canyon.  You know the nature trails they have out there.”  Emma started.  “Anyway, I had my iPod playing some Bon Jovi and I’m jogging along and all the sudden this snake is right there, next to my foot.  I’m mid stride so I couldn’t stop or anything.  And he’s all rattling away and there was nothing I could do.  My foot hit the dirt right by his head and snap.  He sunk one of his fangs into my leg and I screamed.  I had no idea what to do except I knew I had to get him off.  So here I am shaking my leg with this rattler dangling off it holding on by a fang and whoosh!  This huge hawk swoops down, grabs hold of the snake and flies off.  I’m just standing there staring after it wondering what are the odds of that happening.  Then the pain shoots through my leg and I start crying again.  I couldn’t remember if you’re supposed to suck out the venom or cut your leg to let it drain or what.   All I knew is that I needed help so I start running as fast as I could back down the hill to the parking lot.  I’m crying and swearing and stumbling all over the place.  Just as I get to my car I think, oh, wait.  Doesn’t running spread the poison faster?  Crap!  I jump in my car and race to the nearest emergency room.  They take me right in and the doctor said that since it was only one fang the amount of poison wasn’t enough to kill me.  So, here I am.
“Wow!  That’s crazy.”  Ralph said leaning forward.  “Did that really happen?”
Emma stared at him for a moment then spoke.  “No, my daughter was using me as a jungle gym and scratched me with her toenail.

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