Thursday, August 23, 2012

My Short Short Story for the Day

She couldn’t believe it.  Her hands shook with anger as she hurried up the path.  After all these years.  She rammed the key in the lock, turned the handle and shoved the door open.  She’d devoted her life to this man.  The tears didn’t stand a chance as the rage steamed off her face.  She’d taken care of him.  She stomped up the stairs and down the hall.  She’d supported him.  Her pace didn’t slow as she turned the knob pushing the door open in one smooth motion.  She’d loved him.  Her heart thundered in her ears and her face flushed with renewed heat.  She stood in the doorway with her jaw clenched and eyes staring as her brain tried to comprehend the scene in front of her.  A feral scream tore through her body piercing the air with a deadly chill.  The man and woman turned in horror.  All she could see was red, bright pulsing blood red.

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