Thursday, January 9, 2014

My Short Short for the Day

Yes, my dear. She is perfect.” His touch was light as he stroked her hair. 
Elle quietly rested her head on her mother's shoulder, curious but not afraid. Her mother had dressed her this morning in her warmest clothes. She put her on the horse and walked beside, leading the way. The rode in silence. Elle wanted to ask questions but knew better. She trusted her mother completely. She never had any reason not to.

They stopped outside the gates, the horse waiting patiently while her mother stepped forward and spoke with the guard. After a moment he nodded and opened the gates. Her mother walked back, picked up the reins and without a look at Elle, led the horse into the courtyard. They stopped near the front door and her mother lifted her down from the horse. Instead of making her walk, she carried her into the house, holding her close. Elle was surprised at the gesture but feeling the comfort of her mother's embrace, she didn't worry.

They traveled down a long hallway which opened into a large room. The ceilings rose up into the sky with streaks of sunlight reaching down through the stained glass windows. It felt solemn. Elle looked up at the beauty above until her mother stopped. Elle looked at her mother then followed her gaze to the throne sitting up several stairs. An older man sat up there, slowly rising to his feet. He walked down the steps and stopped in front of her mother. Elle looked at his face but he only had eyes for her mother.
A tear trickled down her mother's cheek and Elle rested her head on her mother's shoulder.

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