Friday, January 10, 2014

My Short Short for the Day

The days have dragged by since I got home. It doesn't even feel like home anymore. I've only been gone for a few days but it feels like years, lifetimes. If only I could just forget what happened, what I saw, what I became. If only I could erase it all from my memory.

Five days ago I was standing in this very spot. I had finished vacuuming and decided to give the windows a good washing. It had been many months, maybe even a year since I last cleaned them so they were over due. I smiled. Cleaning always made me feel better. Well, not the cleaning but the way the house looked and smelled after a good cleaning.

I was an ordinary, if not average, person. I worked a 9 to 5 job, in a law firm making a decent wage. I lived within my means, comfortable but not extravagant. I had a good family and missed them as they lived far away, but we talked often and visited when we could. I had a boyfriend, a good man, loyal and kind. I had close friends, the kind that knew me and loved me anyway. I enjoyed exercising, which is weird, I know, but it always gave me a bit of a buzz. I tried to eat healthy but couldn't help indulging my sweet tooth from time to time.

Life was good, comfortable, steady until that day. I reached out to lift the blinds, move them away so I could clean the windows. As the blinds opened a jolt of light shot through me and everything changed. My ordinary life was over. If only I'd known...if only...

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