Wednesday, January 8, 2014

My Short Short for the Day

Hey, sit tight guys. I'll get you out. Don't worry.” Herman said looking around for tools. He'd watched every episode of MacGyver so he knew he could build something to free his friends. “Hmm? What do I have here to work with.”

Herman walked around pecking at twigs, fallen fruit, pebbles, leaves, anything that was in his path. Slowly he gathered together a bunch of items by pushing it with his beak over to the corner. He pecked at a twig but it was too big to pick up with his beak so he moved to the fruit. He pecked and it squished down into a pile of mush. Next he pecked at the pebbles but they kept slipping out of his beak. Everything he tried was rotten, too big, slippery or just not right.

Don't worry. I won't give up.” Herman said trying to reassure his friends. They didn't seem concerned as they walked around the pen pecking at seeds or bugs in their path.

Herman watched them for a few moments then got an idea. “I know! I'll let the worker over there know you are locked in, then he'll open the cage and you'll be free!”

Herman walked over to the worker and began to talk. Unfortunately the worker didn't speak chicken so all he heard was “Buck! Buck! Buck! Buck buck buck!” When Herman finished the man bent over.

Well, now. How did you get out?” He scooped up Herman and carried him to the pen. Herman was happy. Finally his friends would be free.

The man set Herman down. “There you go. Safe and sound.” The man closed the gate and latched it, smiling he walked away.

Herman stared for several minutes. “Wha...wha...wha...”

Hey look girls, a new chicken in the pen.” All the chickens hurried over to meet Herman who remained in a stupor.

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