Wednesday, September 30, 2020

My Short Short for the Day

The spaceship crashed just over the hill.  It could have been a military plane or chopper but to Jonah, it had looked like a UFO.  A real-life UFO.  It seemed totally impossible but something in the pit of his stomach told him that it was true.  He had to run faster than he ever ran before to reach it first.  Who knows when the government would show up.  And it wasn’t an “if”, he knew it would be a “when”.

He crested the hill and looked down into the valley but saw nothing.  It looked…normal.  How could this be?  He knew he had seen something, something big.  Really big.  Too big to hide behind a tree or boulder.  It can’t be.  There’s no way it could have been his imagination.  He wasn’t even thinking of any of his sci-fi stories at the time.  He was actually thinking about the Geometry test coming up at the end of the week.  The one he hadn’t studied for yet. 

So, there was no way he had imagined it.  Something was wrong.  He half slid half stumbled down the hill, moving faster than his body was used to.  For once he didn’t care how graceless he was.  He had to find that ship.  He reached the bottom, took a step, and promptly smacked full speed into something solid.  “Oof!”

He reached out his hands, touching the cold object.  It felt smooth like metal.  He sniffed it, but all he could smell was nature.  He shrugged, “Oh, well.  You never know if the smell might give you a clue.”

Jonah smiled.  “It’s real!”

He lay against the ship with his arms spread and hugged it.  His goofy grin spread wide across his face.  “It’s real.”

After a few more moments, he straightened up, and looked around hoping no one saw him.  He cleared his throat and put on his serious face.  He pulled out a pencil, notepad and measuring tape from his backpack.  You just never know when you might need to investigate something.  Years of being a boy scout ensured he was always prepared.

                                                 *******     to be continued     *******

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