Wednesday, October 28, 2015

My Short Short for the Day

The cool water soothed her burning muscles.  She couldn’t believe she had run so fast or so far.  Her legs were screaming at her when she finished but now they were soaking in the sparkling, cool water and only whimpering a bit.  She tilted her chin up to the sun and floated on her back, relaxing, releasing the tension, letting go.  She closed her eyes and let her mind drift away while her body bobbed on the surface. 

Suddenly, there was a tingle up her spine followed by a jolt.  The next thing she knew she was being dragged down into the water, deeper and deeper at a speed so fast that everything was blurred.  She held her breath but her lungs were burning now.  Her heart was thundering in her chest as panic flashed through her.  Her mind reeled trying to figure out what was happening. 

Then, it stopped.  She wasn’t moving downwards anymore, she was frozen in place for the shortest of seconds.  Her heart still thundered but she didn’t move.  She focused her eyes but all she saw was clear water ahead.  She struggled to force herself to look down and when she did, there was nothing but the sandy bottom.  Her eyes darted around her but there was nothing unusual.  Her lungs were on fire so she kicked her legs and shot up to the surface. 

She gulped in the fresh air and immediately swam to shore.  Too scared to look around, she focused on the shoreline and blocked everything else from her mind and her sight.  Once on the safety of the beach, she stood and looked out to the water.  She stood still, straining her eyes, then, for an instance, she saw something.  Could it be?  Was it more than just a legend?  But the water here was too shallow for such a creature.  Nothing else could have pulled her under like that, though.  She stared for a long time, trying to catch a glimpse of it but nothing appeared.  Was she imagining it?  Was it real?

Finally, she turned and walked up the beach.  Grammy would know what to do.

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