Tuesday, January 19, 2021

My Short Short for the Day

The fight was on.  Who will win the prized peanuts?  The blue jay or the squirrel.  Who will be sneakier?  Who will be stealthier?  Who will be smarter?  Who will ultimately win? 

“Really Alan, do you have to make it that dramatic?”  Gloria rolled her eyes as she walked past her husband.

“Yes, it’s the battle of the ages.  People will be talking for years about this epic battle of land versus air.  Which creature is stronger?  Which will survive?”

Gloria walked through the living room and into the kitchen shaking her head all the time.  Now, what should I make for dinner?  Hmm?  She opened the fridge and foraged around a bit then closed it.  She opened the freezer and picked up a container.  She squinted trying to see into it, but the frost was too thick.  She shook it, but of course it was frozen so that was no use.  She sniffed it but it just smelled like ice.  With a frown, she put it back on the shelf and closed the door.  Hmm?

“Oh, look dad!  The squirrel is telling off the blue jay.  You see him!  He’s yelling at him!”  Carl cheered the squirrel on.  Alan had his hand on his son’s shoulder and was chanting, “Fight, fight, fight!”

After a few moments of chanting and squirrel “yelling”, things quieted down.  The squirrel triumphantly ate the peanut on the wall of the patio while the blue jay flew away in shame.

Gloria walked back into the living room to see her two favorite people cheering and high fiving about the squirrel victory.  “So, this is what our life has become.”  She sighed before joining in on the revelry.

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