Saturday, December 7, 2013

My Short Short for the Day

Okay Lou, when I say go, we rush….Lou, hey Lou? Pay attention!” Eddie whispered loudly.

Huh? What?” Lou sputtered turning to his friend.

Lou, you have to pay attention or Santa will catch us for sure.” Eddie said.

Right, sorry Eddie. I’ll pay attention. I promise.” Lou replied.

Okay. When I say go, you run to the sleigh and climb into the back.” Eddie said. “And remember, be quiet.”

What about you?” Lou asked.

I’ll be right behind you. Just be ready to move when I say go.” Eddie patted Lou on the back.

Santa walked across the room buttoning up his bright red coat with fuzzy white trim. His cheeks were a little pale but as soon as he opened the door and the chilly wind hit his face they turned a wonderful rosy red color. He laughed warmly and stepped outside. The elves and Mrs. Claus hurried to the window to watch the sleigh take off.

Now, Lou! Go!” Eddie said pushing Lou toward the door.

Lou hesitated with his eyes wide with excitement.

Go you silly elf!” Eddie said grabbing his arm and pulling him through the door a second before it shut. They skidded to a halt and hid behind a small shrub as Santa climbed up onto his sleigh.

What do we do now?” Lou asked.

Shhh!” Eddie gestured. “This way.”

When Santa turned toward the window to blow Mrs. Claus a kiss, the two elves climbed into the sleigh and snuggled down into the sack of presents. Santa let out a jolly laugh as he picked up the reins.

Hey, move over, your foot is in my face!” Eddie whispered shoving at Lou.

Sorry Eddie.” Lou moved aside. “Do you think Santa saw us?”

No, he didn’t see a thing.” Eddie stated puffing up his chest with pride.

With a jerk, the sleigh took off into the night sky. The elves were forced against the back of the seat. They grabbed onto each other in an attempt to steady themselves. After a few minutes the sleigh leveled off.

Wow, this is fun.” Lou whispered peeking out at the sparkling stars.

Yeah, sure is Lou.” Eddie whispered back. “But we have to be quiet so Santa won’t hear us.”

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