Tuesday, November 19, 2013

My Short Short for the Day

“No! Let go of me!” Yoli yelled twisting her wrist and yanking her arm back, just like Sensei Don had taught her. The sound of her heart thundered in her ears but she ignored it. “Let go of me!”

With a quick jerk, she swung her fist up into the stranger's face causing a bloody nose. The stranger screamed, clutching his nose and stumbling backwards. He tripped and fell to the ground making a loud thud as his head hit the concrete. Yoli kicked him in the stomach as hard as she could then ran. Several adults were rushing toward her.

“Are you ok?” A woman asked kneeling down in front of Yoli.

“Yes. I'm alright but that man there tried to grab me.” Yoli pointed toward the fallen stranger.

“Stay here. I'll call the police.” A man said walking toward the stranger's still body.

“Let's call your parents.” The kind woman said taking Yoli's hand and leading her to the front desk.

Yoli waited quietly in the comfy chair watching the commotion as the police showed up and escorted the stranger out of the store. He was groggy but able to walk for the most part.

“Yoli? Honey, are you ok?” Yoli's mother grabbed her into a big hug. “Are you hurt? What happened?”

“I'm ok Mom.” Yoli had often told her mother she was too old for hugging in public, but today, she'd make an exception. “I did just as Sensei Don has been teaching us for years. I even remembered to yell in his face as loud as I could.”

“She is a very brave young lady.” The kind woman said. “She knocked that guy out cold all by herself.”

Yoli's mother finally let go and took a step back. “You did good kid.” She said before pulling Yoli into another hug.

Yoli smiled.

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