Monday, August 26, 2013

My Short Short Story for the Day

What do I do? Melanie thought as she walked slowly down the deserted sidewalk. She loved the quiet of the early morning. It was her favorite time of day, walking and thinking about all life's...adventures. Like Kirk. She loved him but just wasn't sure she was ready for such a big commitment. They'd been together for a few years and he had asked several times, but she just couldn't bring herself to say yes. Her mother had given up long ago. She did manage to throw in from time to time how much she wanted grandkids. Melanie laughed. Someday, she would say. Some day. Oh, Kirk. He was so sweet and patient but...but... What was it that was holding her back? If only she could figure it out. Her friends all liked him, her parents liked him, his family liked her, his friends liked her. What was it? Melanie tried to pinpoint the cause of hesitation when suddenly she was thrown into the air. She didn't feel any pain, just the strange sensation of air rushing past her as her body took flight. There was a loud thud echoing in her ears for several minutes as she stared up into the clearest blue sky she'd ever seen.

“Yes, please hurry...”

All sounds faded into the distance as a rush of peace came over her. She didn't fight the overwhelming urge to close her eyes. Warmth spread out around her as her breath slowed. Now, everything became clear. All the questions, all the uncertainty, all things. It was so easy now to see what she needed to do. Soon, just a short rest, then she'd talk to him. Soon.

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