Wednesday, December 9, 2020

My Short Short for the Day

Moira grumbled as she hit the alarm knocking it to the floor.  With a huff she slammed the blankets back and pulled herself up.  She rubbed her eyes, put on her glasses and trudged to the bathroom.  Once she was somewhat refreshed, she slouched to the kitchen, poured a bowl of cereal and crunched it mechanically while staring at the wall.  It tasted like sawdust.

The cell phone rang making her jump.  She instantly straightened up, replaced the distant grouchy look with one of alert seriousness and answered.  “This is Sanders.  Yes.  Be there in 5.”  Time to work.  She dropped the half full bowl in the sink, grabbed her gun holster and put it on, pulled her jacket on over it and grabbed her keys on the way out the door.  The car started quickly for once and she sped off to the crime scene.

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